Q.--- When the freeze plug ruptures, does water start flowing out of it?
A.--- No, the freeze plug only ruptures when the ball valve is in the closed position. There is no pressure on the side of the ball valve where the freeze plug is when the valve is full closed or full open. This video helps to show this.
The freeze Plug may also rupture when in the half open position. If this occurs, then when the ice thaws, water will flow out if the valve is still in the half open position (45 degree position).
Q.---Where can I buy one?
A.---Various Ace Hardware stores, McGuckin Hardware in Boulder. Out of state--- please fill out the contact form with your requests and we will get you a quote. Quantity discounts available. Or on-line store. Unfortunately, many suppliers prefer to sell the Febco Ballvalve, Apollo ballvalve and Nibco ball valves because they will be back to buy again when they crack and need replacing AGAIN.
Q.---What does it protect? A.---The FREEZE plug protects the main body of the valve when the valve is left in the closed or open position full of water. This is what happens 99% of the time when people close the valve for the winter without properly draining it or blowing it out. It does not protect the vacuum breaker or other piping.
Q.--- How can I get one installed on my property?
A.--- Complete Sprinkler Services ( the company which developed the FT ball valve), can install one. Or other sprinkler companies.
To make an appointment call 720-333-3900. Or ask your regular service company to put one in.
Q.---Why do ball valves crack in the first place?
A.---Febco Ball valves,(and all others) crack because they trap water in the side wall. As water freezes, it expands and exerts a force as much as 114,000psi. So something is going to break. You can prevent this by following Febco Valves winterization procedures. If the water supply valve leaks by, or is never turned off for the winter, this multiplies the complications associated with water freeze damage.
Q.--- What does OEM stand for? A.--- Original Exploding Model ... :-)
Q.--- Will the Freeze-Tolerant ball valve protect my piping or my Vacuum Breaker?
A.---NO, the Freeze-Tolerant ball valve is only made to protect the body of the ball valve itself from cracking. There are 3 brands of freeze resistant PVB's made that help protect the bonnet & poppet assemblies from cracking. The freeze resistant Conbraco PVB (Conbraco 4A-504-02F 3/4 in. Freeze Resistant PVB Backflow Preventer), Wilkins 3/4" 420 Freeze Resistant PVB Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly and the Febco FR 767 described here :Series 767FR Freeze-Resistant Pressure Vacuum Breakers are designed to prevent backsiphonage of contaminated water under continuous pressure into the potable water supply. Its superior design protects the valve body and internal components during sudden freeze conditions. Water inside the PVB freezes from the outside-inward. As the ice forms and expands causing a buildup of pressure, the FEBCO 767FR relieves the pressure through a unique relief valve built into the plastic float. Test cocks are positioned at the lowest point of the valve for winterization draining. They feature a bronze body. Maximum Working Pressure: 150psi. Inlet/Outlet Ball valves are not protected, or the 1/4 inch tests cocks which are miniature ball valves.
The Wilkins 3/4" 420 Freeze Resistant PVB Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly Backflow Preventer 34-420 with Integral Anti-Freeze Relief Valve The integral relief valve reduces the risk of valve damage under freezing conditions- The Wilkins 3/4" 420 Freeze Resistant Pressure Vacuum Breaker also does not have any freeze protection for the ball valves.
Q.--- Why should I get one ?
A.---You should get one because sometimes you get too busy with other things that you can easily forget to properly drain their sprinkler system, and a severe overnight freeze may crack your Febco ball valve, requiring an expensive total-valve replacement. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure...
Q.--- What is the warranty ?
A,--- The Freeze-Tolerant ball valve has a life time limited warranty to burst the freeze plug instead of cracking the body* of the valve. Febco ball valves,(Apollo ball valves, Nibco ball valves,Conbraco valves,Watts ball valves). all have no warranty against freezing. And yet Febco valve and the rest, make no true freeze resistant valves for cold weather applications.
Q.--- Can I use any standard plug?
A.---Any standard NPT 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch respectively size plug will fit. Only the OEM plug will protect the valve properly. If you do use a standard plug, be sure to remove it for winter.
Q.--- Does the Febco FR 767 freeze resistant pvb resist freeze damage?
A.--- The Febco FR 767 PVB, much like the Freeze Resistant Conbraco PVB, has a relief valve in the poppet. It too will resist freeze damage to a certain degree. I have been told by a local distributor in Denver that the Febco FR 767 PVB was made for mild freezes for orchards in FL & CA and are not made for severe freeze ups.
Types of Cold Weather Ball Valves
- Freeze Resistant Ball Valve: A ball valve that has thicker walls to help resist freeze damage in a mild freezing situation. This valve cannot prevent freeze damage, just delay it a few hours.Both Febco Valve and Apollo Valve promote a Freeze Resistant model of PVB. Febco Valve even advertises that their Febco FR 767 PVB was meant to be left out in the cold! Apollo 4A50502F Bronze Freeze Resistant Pressure Vacuum breaker is another product that leave you out in the cold when it cracks during a freeze.....
- Frost Resistant ball valve: Similar to Freeze Resistant Ball Valve- A ball valve that has thicker walls to help resist freeze damage in a mild freezing situation. This valve cannot prevent freeze damage, just delay it.
- Freeze Tolerant Ball Valve: A Freeze Tolerant Ball Valve can actually tolerate the freeze. It is designed with a freeze plug incorporated in the side wall to provide an escape for expanding ice. A ball valve in the closed position traps water in the center chamber of the valve body by design. Whenever water is left in this area during a freeze, it has no place to expand, and will warp &/or crack the valve body. Water is also trapped in the outer area of the valve body between the ball and valve side while in the open position. In most cases this volume of water is not enough to do any damage.

Some manufactures like Febco valve,Nibco valve,Watts water valve,Apollo valve, would like you to believe that their Freeze Resistant devices have you covered during freezing conditions. You can see in the photos on the left how well they have you covered.
Without a freeze plug to relieve the pressure from ice expanding with up to 114,000 psi, your freeze resistant valve will sustain damage. And you will be replacing that valve over and over. With a Freeze Tolerant valve, you will be replacing a simple freeze plug at a
fraction of the cost.
Without a freeze plug to relieve the pressure from ice expanding with up to 114,000 psi, your freeze resistant valve will sustain damage. And you will be replacing that valve over and over. With a Freeze Tolerant valve, you will be replacing a simple freeze plug at a
fraction of the cost.
The lead free Apollo Ball Valve is famous for cracking in freezing conditions. The lead free Apollo ball valve is found on Apollo backflow devices throughout the country. Lead free Apollo valves do not have any freeze protection designed in. The best solution for CRACKING Apollo ball valves is to change them out to ones with a freeze plug. Then you will have the perfect could weather- freeze resistant ball valve.

The Freeze-Tolerant Ball valve has a "robust design". Robust means very dependable & reliable and durable.
The worlds most popular assault rifle is the AK-47. That is because it has a "robust" design.
You can drop it in a mud puddle or sand box, pick it up and it will still fire.
The Freeze-Tolerant ball valve was engineered to be frozen full of water. It carries a Life Time limited warranty not to crack the side of the valve. It is the only valve that has such a warranty against freeze damage because it was designed to be frozen. It was developed in Denver Colorado-"The Climate" capital of the world, because of its adverse weather patterns. 70 degrees one day, sub-freezing the next day.
The worlds most popular assault rifle is the AK-47. That is because it has a "robust" design.
You can drop it in a mud puddle or sand box, pick it up and it will still fire.
The Freeze-Tolerant ball valve was engineered to be frozen full of water. It carries a Life Time limited warranty not to crack the side of the valve. It is the only valve that has such a warranty against freeze damage because it was designed to be frozen. It was developed in Denver Colorado-"The Climate" capital of the world, because of its adverse weather patterns. 70 degrees one day, sub-freezing the next day.
Febco FR 767 pvb and Wilkins 3/4" 420 Freeze Resistant PVB Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly are available. They will help out in a mild freeze situation as far as protecting the plastic internal parts... but don't protect the ball valves...

Below are the 3 Freeze Resistant PVB models available for sale in the USA.
The FEBCO FR 767 PVB ......... The Apollo FREEZE Resistant PVB ... The Wilkins Freeze Resistant PVB
FYI: The Watts 0388015 800M4FR 1" Freeze Resistant Pressure Vacuum Breaker is the same as the FEBCO FR 767 PVB
Watts Water Technologies owns FEBCO so they have interchangeable products.
The FEBCO FR 767 PVB ......... The Apollo FREEZE Resistant PVB ... The Wilkins Freeze Resistant PVB
FYI: The Watts 0388015 800M4FR 1" Freeze Resistant Pressure Vacuum Breaker is the same as the FEBCO FR 767 PVB
Watts Water Technologies owns FEBCO so they have interchangeable products.
No manufacturer provides any help to protect the ball valves. Their ball valves are great for warm conditions but not for freezing conditions.

Febco valves, Nibco valves, Apollo valves, Watts valves, Matco valves, Home depot valves, Wilkins valves, the best made valves, work great in non-freezing conditions. The freeze-tolerant valve was designed specifically for freezing conditions. It is designed from the ground up to relieve the damaging affects of expanding ice within the valve.This is the best cold weather valve made using patented freeze plug technology.